LBJ, “Let Us Continue,” Textual Authentication

Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973)

edited by
Ashley Barrett

Voices of Democracy: The U. S. Oratory Project

Department of Communication,
2130 Skinner Building,
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 21774

Johnson, Lyndon B. 1963a. “Let Us Continue” Address. Audio recording of the Address
Before a Joint Session of Congress, November 23, 1963. Audiovisual department, WHCA
1.4. Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. Austin, Texas [=A]
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1963b. Official Record Copy of “Let Us Continue.” Office of the
White House Press Secretary for Immediate Release, 11/27/1963. “Statements of Lyndon
Baines Johnson, November 18, 1963-November 30, 1963,” Box 89, Folder: 11/27/63,
Remarks of the President Before A Joint Session of Congress, House Chamber Capitol,
Folder 1. Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. Austin, Texas. [=B]

Johnson, Lyndon B. 1963c. “Remarks of the President to a Joint Session of Congress,
November 27, 1963.” “Papers of Lyndon Baines Johnson President, 1963-1969: Ex SP 2-
3/Special Messages 11/22/63,” Box 62, Folder II: SP2-3/ 11-27-63: President’s Message to
Congress, 11/27/63. Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. Austin, Texas. (Johnson sent an
autographed copy of this particular version of the address to Senator Hubert Humphrey, Ted
Sorensen, and Abe Fortas). [= C]
Johnson, Lyndon B. 1965. “President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Address Before a Joint Session of
the Congress, November 27, 1963.” Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:
Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-64. Volume I, pp. 8-10. Washington, D. C.: Government
Printing Office, 1965. [=D]

The copy text is Johnson 1963a [=A], an audio recording of the delivered address acquired from the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. This selection was based on the plausible efficacy of the delivered speech before the Joint Session of Congress and the large number of viewers of the speech both on live television and radio and subsequently in various venues. In a letter addressed to the President from the Columbia Broadcasting System Inc., it was estimated that the oration had a U.S. audience of some 14,360,000 families. Johnson 1963c [= C] is used for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphing, which included certain ellipses at the beginning of certain sentences.

Standard date values are given in ISO form: yyyy-mm-dd.

Characteristics of interpretation of this edition are as follows:

Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets.
The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
This copy text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.
All double quotation marks are rendered with “, all single quotation marks with apostrophe ‘.

Deviations from the copy-text and general editorial principles are as follows (reference numbers specify paragraph in which the departure occurs): none.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Library of Congress Classification

27 November 1963

Washington, D.C


Lyndon Baines Johnson
John F. Kennedy
Theodore Sorensen
Horace Busby
presidential assassination



VOD Associate Editor
Gaines, Robert N.

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Ashley Barrett

data entry and proof-reading of electronic copy-text


Ashley Barrett

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Ashley Barrett

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VOD Assistant Editor
Alyssa A. Samek

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